Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


Honor: 73,974    [ Give / Take ]


59 entries this month

18:54 Feb 28 2010
Times Read: 1,597


Been up only a few hours..could not sleep last night, toss and turned.

Packed, car loaded but for the camera bag.

Lunch cooked, kitchen cleaned.

And I still can not wake up.



22:35 Mar 01 2010

I hate when that happens.. if you find the cure, let me know!


23:39 Feb 27 2010
Times Read: 1,256

You know the people who say the Vamp Box is dead while they are in it....

Do they not get it?

It is dead because.... they are not talking. Box is never going to change= it is the people in it that make if fun.

Next person who *sits the box on fire* should turn the lighter on themselfs.



00:22 Feb 28 2010

I always like the ones who redecorate it myself!

00:37 Feb 28 2010

I hardly ever play around in the Vamp box but I do sit and observe...and for some reason, it never fails, atleast one person annoys the heck out of me. Setting the box on fire, starting senseless confrontation...or pretending to be some sort of animal without offering up context for conversation. For example: "meow."

02:14 Feb 28 2010

I hardly ever go there.

05:45 Feb 28 2010

You are just too cool for the box Thoth :D I jump in when friends are chatting... Hmmm someone setting themselves on fire... The box would so need live video streaming. THAT would be entertainment!

08:06 Feb 28 2010

omg the vampbox!

I hardly ever go there unless I see something interesting (and that rarely happens) or have to clean it from the drama.


15:13 Feb 27 2010
Times Read: 1,273

HUH! See- no bats in the member's articles! (glares at a bird she knows) lol

Big congrats to temptation101 for finding them all first. :)



15:32 Feb 27 2010

Since the contest is over...I guess it wouldn't hurt if I share with you the locations of the bats.

*Slides a folder your way containing several well read documents* haha.


18:10 Feb 26 2010
Times Read: 1,295

Why is the day going soooo slow?! Oh yeah... I got the phones as sis does some catch up on paperwork.


I am so not a phone person. I am good when it starts... you know...the smile in my voice, the "Good Morning! This is XX Moving and Storage and how can I help you?" But by lunch it is "XX Moving and Storage." By 5:00 pm it will be "WHAT is it now?!"

lol Ok- it wan't be that bad...but damn close. And the only person I have seen is a Fed Ex driver.




22:40 Feb 26 2010

You need a voice machine so you can screen out the silly calls.

14:08 Feb 27 2010

Sounds like me on a Friday when I'm on the front desk lmao


18:58 Feb 25 2010
Times Read: 1,323

Thanks goes out to member Vampzerez13 for being so kind. Why?

Well it happen. My first fuck up Sentoran mistake of ...well...2010. :) Oh hush. It has been two months, you know I was due one.

I woke up really early this morning to find a phone number in a kismet. I suspended the profile and took it a step more to message the person from her icon on the Who's Online page.Aaaaand message the wrong account.

*shakes head*

At least I did not suspend the wrong one. lol :)

But thanks for understanding that it was a mistake and I did not mean it, no power play, no mean streak.... just me half asleep at dawn.



19:08 Feb 25 2010


i think everyone knows the rat is kind and fair...

just likes to confuse the general public of Vampire Rave ;]

19:32 Feb 25 2010

Dreams have been trashed... Idol broken.. Ratt isn't perfect... I feel so lost and let down now...

19:42 Feb 25 2010

*Shakes head*

What is the world coming to?


20:12 Feb 25 2010

Yeah I saw that Kismet...last time I tried being "nice" and say something about that...the person was like..

Why the F**k do you care...

I shush now.


18:01 Feb 25 2010
Times Read: 1,329

Coming to work at 1:00 pm is odd. Don't think we have ever done it before. :) But the snow is melted and none of us likes to work on Saturday so...

Watching trucks pull out as I type this.

Now to get the packing loaded, one truck weight and fuel up so I don't have to work Sat.




15:39 Feb 25 2010
Times Read: 1,343

You know... I never spoken to Master Vampire Daire. There was the one time in the Sentoran messages when I first started, but other then that he and I never talked.

So when he shows up on my last ten- with that evil icon of his I have to say to myself...

"Oh Oh. What did I do now?"



At home for the day- working on Sat it seems.



15:45 Feb 25 2010

you is evil Rat , need there be anything else?

17:17 Feb 25 2010

I've never spoken to him either, not even when I spent a rather short amount of time in his House...

So when I saw his default image on my last ten I was a little concerned haha, but he ended up leaving me a journal comment which was nice of him. :)


12:10 Feb 25 2010
Times Read: 1,356

Dang snow. It has put off the moves this morning. And cold, in the lower 20's.

We are going to wait till 10:00 am to make the call and see if we can get a small move in at all today, prep the trucks, load the packing for next weeks big move.

Might have to work some this weekend.

Dang snow.



13:44 Feb 25 2010


03:02 Feb 26 2010

HA .....just HA!


22:45 Feb 24 2010
Times Read: 1,372

Rat uses her claw to pull open the cabinet door, looking around to make sure she was alone."You stay here voodoo snow doll, you will be safe from those two with sharp claws."

She puts the doll into the cabinet, moving some towels in front of the doll to hide her.

"RAT!!!!!!!!!! Where are you? It is snowing again!"Birdy yells, slamming the door as she comes in. Rat's eyes open wide, turning to see the Cat walking in front of the door on the way to Birdy. "Again?! That is it...where is that damn doll."

Rat slowly pushes the towels aside, closing the cabinet door. She moves to hold her doll, moving the stack of towels to hide her and the doll.



23:04 Feb 24 2010

They're coming to take you away haha they're coming to take you away hoho...

02:51 Feb 25 2010

That dang doll is fodder for the next bonfire!

14:26 Feb 25 2010

Why wait ....let's torch it NOW!!!


18:47 Feb 24 2010
Times Read: 1,383


Up early to go to the CPA's to unload. I folded the pads as the guys unloaded, kept the truck in order for the next move.

Handed over all the taxes but Mom's while I was there.

Talked about the audit Ky Labor is doing on me...*sigh* Damn cash labor rules. Movers nightmare.

Home to the office.

Returned several calls.

Paid the bills up to date.

Booked two moves.

Unloaded four trucks with stuff for the Care Center- total of about 100 pcs.

Forklift broke down, called the repair service and with a new starter, back up and running. *sigh*

Called in for forklift fuel, out of the four tanks I have three are empty. Snow got them behind on the route- they to be here in the morning.

Shipment is still sitting on my pack van, the military that snow caused us to put off last week. They was to of picked it up two days ago. Still here...blocking my truck....sitting...not paying me a thing.

Dealing with the Maytag repair on a rental dishwasher, and a water line issue with a plumber. Damn cold broke a line during the big freeze.

Call from the funeral home about the bench for the graveyard, urn for flowers is in. Waiting on weather to clear up, dry out.

And a call from a military member with a complaint on his delivery.

I got to find a hotel for under $100.00 a room in Ashland Ky for Mon, Tue, Wen. at least of next week.

Log books, packing to load, trucks to clean out, need washed badly, and paperwork to prep in the morning. Oh... and get cash for expense money. Trip to the bank.

You sure it is not Monday?



18:50 Feb 24 2010

That's a whole week of work

20:15 Feb 24 2010

Yep, I'm tired just reading about it.



17:11 Feb 24 2010
Times Read: 1,396



15:05 Feb 24 2010
Times Read: 1,406


I joined VampireRave because I love vampires,and i was looking for a website like this one,and i hope I am on here for along time.

*bares fangs*

How about forever...

*gives evil laugh, chokes, coughs, blows nose in tissue*

Damn cold...ruined my evil vampire threat.




15:56 Feb 24 2010

O.o tis the season...

16:11 Feb 24 2010

But... But... But.... I thought Vampires were immune to "human illnesses"???

*points to the part stating the cold...*


17:14 Feb 24 2010

Well you caught me Ducky...and we can't have babies either.

*pokes your belly* Hello little ducky. :)


14:03 Feb 24 2010
Times Read: 1,413

So my CPA called on Monday asking for our help. Seems a woman his family knew from church has been moved from assistant living to the nursing home. She has no family, or none that anyone can find. The furniture in the one bedroom apartment needed to be removed. She has no money.

He wants up to pick up the items him and his wife has packed at the assistant living apartment (two men did this yesterday after the day's job) and unload it, put it in a extra room he has at his business before he opens at 8:00am, blocking his front doorway.

We did so this morning, with snow spitting down. He asked me what I owed him and I said at least $500.00. In donation that he gets to report to IRS. :P Ok ok- it should not of been that high but still... I let two or three a year slide on the elder people who really have no one to move them and can't afford the bill.

Now if only the snow would not screw up our plans. Going on a trip you see, me and four of the guys. Ashland bound for a week to move a Major. Then back home for the weekend to start another big move in Richmond for three days.

Busy busy… thanks the gods.



14:39 Feb 24 2010

There is that special Rat.....taking care of those who can't care for themselves..my social workerness must be rubbing off...grins and runs...lol

17:59 Feb 24 2010

"Going on a trip you see, me and four of the guys.

O.O Whoooo Hooooo, Kinky!!!!

18:15 Feb 24 2010

You are something doing good works on one day then taking off with 4 guys on the next! o-0

18:34 Feb 24 2010

What can I say... I am what I am. :P

A working woman that spends more time with males then most married people.


19:04 Feb 23 2010
Times Read: 1,436

I get a call from a company that we use for some crating on Military jobs. They explain to me that I have over $500.00 credit on my account. Sorry- what? Seems they have started to give a 20% kick back to moving companies. They will send me a bill to send to the government for payment but then they will let me take a 20% cut when I am ready to pay them.

Thing is… I stop using this company because they was so high, went with another one the last five or so jobs that needed crating.

Now I know why.

What to do? Well I plan to use them this one more time to use up the credit- a job I have in two weeks that has 5 stuffed animal heads and marble tops. I will take the credit and the 20% off the bill which should pay the bill really. Then not use them again.

Shame- company is charging double the amount as another, giving kick backs when the military is facing budget cuts on their own.



19:21 Feb 23 2010

what a scam


15:00 Feb 23 2010
Times Read: 1,458

Main Forum

Posted: 07:25:53 - Feb 23 2010

Times viewed: 37

hay wuts up i need 2 post a new thread because my master is geting mad so wuts up r yall chiling like a vilin if yall r yall r cool k see yall later bye


His master made him do it?



15:05 Feb 23 2010

that hurt my brain.

15:19 Feb 23 2010

Damn I left my secret decoder ring in my other boxers...

15:55 Feb 23 2010

I bet his master saw it get closed down too!

16:01 Feb 23 2010

Either sterilize him now or pray for the woman that gets him.

19:12 Feb 23 2010

Certainly not one of the Mater Race lmao

23:02 Feb 24 2010

Don't look at me!! O.O


00:12 Feb 23 2010
Times Read: 1,478

Day has been good just...blah. Going to bed, getting warm for the first time today. Really hope I am not getting sick.

Sick sucks. :(

And talk of snow in the weather for the end of the week. With the two moves today, and the two in the morning we was just catching up on the ones we missed those two days last week.



00:57 Feb 23 2010

But you LOVE the cold.......snicker snicker....lol

05:40 Feb 23 2010

So much for it being the slow season.

15:56 Feb 23 2010

chants No snow...no snow...no snow we want the weekend free please! :)


03:50 Feb 22 2010
Times Read: 1,498

A laugh before bed---


Premiere Sire (128)

Hey people - Coven request

Posted: 03:24:28 - Feb 22 2010

Times viewed: 28

*bow* Thank you for the directions master.

*drags foot*

That Otter kills me.... :)



12:55 Feb 23 2010

Yea, I saw that, made my day lol


00:18 Feb 21 2010
Times Read: 1,519

Ahhh... now I know what is wrong, why I am not finding those Bats. I just need some music to set the hunting mood....



00:45 Feb 21 2010

they have all flown the belfry too..

22:17 Feb 23 2010

Heh, nice one! *Emmy waves back* ;)


12:16 Feb 20 2010
Times Read: 1,526

Quote: Am the Anti christ Lucifer enfleshed

Am the ANTI CHRIST name Lucifer feel free to consult me Legion


That dark god tone is so ruined by the blurry pictures of the messy bedroom and of youself in the mirror with the cell phone.

It is like..."I am the Dark God and you will bow before me with this image....Now how the hell do I get this to take a picture?" snap "Ahh this punny machine was able to capture my image...this T Mobel is a friend of the evil god!" *evil laughter*


Ok= going back to sleep now.




00:54 Feb 19 2010
Times Read: 1,543

Great- I am going to have gold glitter on my face for a freaking month. I can just hear the boys in the morning asking what the hell I was doing.


But I have to say- it is the most fun look I have done so far this year.

*goes to rest, then edit the pics*



01:01 Feb 19 2010

Wow..that avatar is stunning! Absolutely gorgeous.

01:03 Feb 19 2010

I agree!! Gorgeous!

01:58 Feb 19 2010

totally relishing and worth every sparkle

03:08 Feb 19 2010

This is my fave yet!


22:14 Feb 17 2010
Times Read: 1,566

A southern Kentucky mother and father face several charges after police say they used meth before crashing their truck, with their 3-month-old daughter inside.

The crash happened early Wednesday morning on Adams Road in Laurel County.

The Laurel County Sheriff's Department says when deputies arrived, the truck was in a ditch, and the parents, Dennis W. Perry and Anitta M. Hall, were passed out.

Perry and Hall's 3-month-old daughter was inside the truck as well.

Deputies say both parents appeared to be under the influence. They also say both admitted to smoking meth earlier in the night.

The baby was taken to a hospital in London as a precaution. She is now being cared for by social services.

Perry is charged with DUI, endangering the welfare of a minor, and possession of a controlled substance.

Hall is charged with public intoxication, endangering the welfare of a minor, and possession of drug paraphernalia.

I think they should be dunked in hot water after they are stripe nude, then put outside in the cold. They should never see the baby again. Hell... they are damn lucky someone notice the wreck and called it in or that baby would of died.

Good lord...*shakes head*



22:16 Feb 17 2010

Shocking, it makes me sooo angry.

01:12 Feb 18 2010

I saw that.....I don't totally disagree with you.

01:11 Feb 19 2010

I'll open the door to kick em out of it too!


18:26 Feb 17 2010
Times Read: 1,586

Birdy has gone batty! She tells me she found a bat and I go look for it.... a thousand pages later and I never found it. She tells me again- "It is there." I go back...spend a hour looking only for us to list where we have found them so far...and her facing that she must of dreamed it.


Ohhh that birdy is evil.


Not like we are going to win the contest, we are just having fun with it, enjoying talking and I know she is enjoying driving me nuts.


Damn bird!

And those bats are evil as well. New rule- if you find one...do not leave that page until you call the other.

Now...we might just find one more to make it 6.



20:23 Feb 17 2010

It was there I SWEAR.....shifty eyes..Cancer he moved it....yea that is it.....Cancer is trying to DRIVE me..er..us ...BATTY...

11:53 Feb 18 2010

It's a plot I tell ya, we will all be driven batty !


14:30 Feb 17 2010
Times Read: 1,595

For the first time this snow storm I am not awake before dawn, and still in bed at 9:00 am. Why? Because there is no jobs on the book.

And I stop stressing about the military that we did not do yesterday. I am not going to risk my men, nor my equipment trying to do it under this new system when I could have called the base and put it off a few days under the old. The man is cool with waiting so...screw it. (points to pic below) Not being paid enough to get someone hurt.

And it snowed another inch last night.

Been looking at some makeup blogs- come up with two looks I wanted to try out.

But it is time to get up, shower, see what I can get done today.




00:39 Feb 17 2010
Times Read: 1,611

One of my Mom's favorite songs--- I have such a cool Mom.



01:11 Feb 17 2010

Cool !! Rock on mom!

01:27 Feb 17 2010

yes you do! :)


23:57 Feb 16 2010
Times Read: 1,630

Wonders what the next contest will be....


Can't wait to see.



00:01 Feb 17 2010

Maybe... A scavenger hunt?

Find all the pieces of cheese, win a date with, VW!


00:01 Feb 17 2010

I was excited until I read Bone's comment, what fun is it gathering cheese?

00:03 Feb 17 2010

Burping contest!!!

Watch out for chunks.

00:04 Feb 17 2010

...You can melt cheese...on toast.

That actually sounds pretty good right now.

I'm curious about the contest too...but I think it'll probably be started to late for me to participate. Tomorrow I have to get up early for class. Darn.

00:15 Feb 17 2010

Ohh I like the hunt for cheese thing. :) Dates can only go to sexy males- Bones is on that list, WallFlower in a few years. ;)

Burping? I can't burp on command. Darn it. Besides- who can beat you Morrigon?


22:06 Feb 16 2010
Times Read: 1,645

Rat sits and waits in front of the cheese award machine for an Upper Admin to answer a question about a profile layout. She moves closer, laying her hand on the suspend button, knowing she will get a treat if the answer is yes.

Reading Cancer’s answer she frowns, hitting the button anyway, wanting her treat…but a suspension was not issued so no cube of cheese comes out of the slot. Rat sticks her tongue out at Cancer’s answer and goes back to checking profiles.

“I will have my treat…damn you.”

*This is written with humor. For all of those who think the Admin just go around looking for members to suspend- that is how you should see me. Just a rat, sitting in front of a cheese dispenser, getting paid for all the lives I ruin on the site with a suspension.

**And if you think I am serious… you really need to get a funny bone, a sense of humor. I am such a better person when you view me with those.

***Or rum. Your pick.

:P :D



22:24 Feb 16 2010


22:36 Feb 16 2010

I swear that Otter has the ears of a bat when that word is..wait...eyes like a owl when that word is typed.


22:38 Feb 16 2010

*** Underage members should never drink rum. I am in no way encouraging them to do so.


23:04 Feb 16 2010

Hey wait a minute what's that age limit for the Rum?

23:06 Feb 24 2010

Hey I want some Rum too! :)


19:42 Feb 16 2010
Times Read: 1,655

The military has went to a different system now for the household. We use to meet these rules- so much insurance, drug screens, no crimal records, stay within a claim % or you get marks against you, charges set by the mover but if you was too high they would not approve you. They went down the list- that way everyone got some work. You got a mix of weights, travel to and from, your name showed up as next- that is what you got. You either took it or turned it down, which lead to a mark against you.

Now it seems the DOD thinks going to the "online booker" type style of putting the shipment online. Now anyone in the system and grab the shipment, set price by the DOD, and take the job on. They can pay someone from a UHaul to do the job- no rules set as far as what kind of labor you us as long as you get it done.

I did one job under this new system about two years ago and lost my shirt. At the time we was the 2nd company to use the system... it was still getting the bugs out. It was so new the company who gave me the job (one I work with all the time) could not tell me much about it. I did the job as normal and instead of the $1,500.00 I should of made I got paid a whooping $720.00. Safe to say I have not done one again.

Until today.

It was a small shipment, in the next town. We was to have it packed this morning for the driver who came all the way out of WA. to pick it up. Never did get the idea of him coming all that way for a little 2000 lbs but he said it was slow and it got him closer to home.

On Monday we started calling the company who is in charge of this move- they are in CA. The shipment moves from Ky. to Ga. Emails, phone calls are not returned as we call to tell them snow, unable to do the packing on Tuesday. NO ONE will return the call or emails.

So today the driver calls from the town. He is at the truck stop, wonder if we was packing or what as no one is answering his calls in CA. I wait till mid morning and travel to the next town, pick him and his helper up, and go to look at the job. Mind you- the military shipper told me on Monday that there was no way anything but a 4x4 will get in. My car is 4 wheel drive.

This is his driveway- gravel, metal bridge with wired gaurdrails hanging on the sides. Hill that leads up to his house, and back down.

Yes- I am sure there is a way around the low overpass but I was not hunting it down. These pictures was taken around 11:30 am. Yeap= it was that cloudy and snowing by the time I got home a little over a hour later.

My pack van is not going across the bridge till the snow is gone as it will not go up his hill. Driver said he would never get past the 12'1" bridge that is 4 miles before the house, on the clear main road. I told the shipper the problems and he understood. I said we had two ways to go about this- 1- he hauled the shipment to the bridge where I will pack it and let the driver use my pack van to haul it to his tractor trailer. He was not to happy with that one and I don't blame him. I mean- this is our job, what we get paid to do. But you live on top of a hill then you know no trucks are going to get up there in 5 inchs of snow, ice.

2- We wait till next week. He said he was home till the 26th and he liked that plan, that way they would have beds.

I told him I would call the company in charge of the move, told him the name of that company even and he said he had been calling them since Monday himself. He was going to tell them he was snowed in. I said we would have to let them make the call as they are the ones in charge of the move. Yeah new system and all the money it will save the goverment.

Took the driver back to his truck, each of us leaving messages for the CA. company as they are the ones in charge of this shipment. I also called the base, telling them of what is happening to only be told they could do nothing, not change any paperwork till the CA. people called them. And they was closing in 4 hours. As it is it will be wrote up as missing the pick up date. This will go back on the CA. company. The same company that is burying its freaking head in the sand hiding. Local Base can do nothing, instead of talking to the shipper and reseting the date to his request.

Yeap= this new system is working out so fucking great. I don't know why they did not do it years ago. Family First. That is the name of what the goverment wants movers to do now- make the military family first in your dealing, jobs.

I have a nice military man sitting in his home with a family who has been told nothing of what is going on.

*thumbs up*

Way to make the Family First. Pay for half ass service and that is what you are going to get, not evening caring about this service member to call him back in two days. I see great jobs ahead with this system.... great ones.

Fuckers don't even care... leaving the shipper there waiting not knowing. I will not work this way. If that is what is coming to...then it is time to go to Walmart Dist. and run a forklift.



20:35 Feb 16 2010

When you said Rockholds I knew what was coming, that place snows in fast, always did. I agree if this is their ideal of "family first" then it's how to fuck over the family first then the workers.

01:37 Feb 17 2010

I thought I recognized that overpass..


01:29 Feb 16 2010
Times Read: 1,666

GOOOOOO Irish WolfHound!!

*cheers her pick of the dog show*



04:20 Feb 16 2010

You should have called and told me it was on....dang it .


16:30 Feb 15 2010
Times Read: 1,682

Driver is on his was to TN, after I made three trips with my car out to the truck stop. Just snap a few pictures on those trips. :) Notice in my car mirror at the truck stop the slush of drivers coming in, none leaving. First picture is of my road.



16:41 Feb 15 2010

I love snow pictures, it snowed here this weekend, it's all gone now though. I took about five hundred pictures out there in it haha. I think I'm getting a cold now though, but I'd say it's worth it. Great pictures by the way. :)

20:00 Feb 15 2010

are you saying its like the house of the Rising Sun They Check in but Can never leave? man thats creepy!LOL

22:21 Feb 17 2010

That does look very pretty.


12:06 Feb 15 2010
Times Read: 1,690

Customer called, saying that the town we was moving him to is locked down due to snow and more on the way so he called off his move. The truck that is here to pick up a small shippment is unable to get to the warehouse. Now.... Hello? Who did not know this? I told you to sit at the truck stop till I called- the salt trucks/graders have not even gone out yet. Holiday? Who knows- all I know is they are right next to my place and no trucks have fired up yet.

But you know so much more then me...and now you are on the hill, unable to get up it. Well duh! "How did you get to work then?" I freaking walked ass hole- I live right next to it. I knew what the roads are like, I know the trucks have not been out yet.

He is parked in a business parking lot, waiting for the sun to come up, as I am. What is in the shipment can fit in my hatchback car- two or three trips. But I am not going out on ice.

*sets and waits*

Going to be a freaking long day today.



13:31 Feb 15 2010

Tell me about it....two hour delay for classes....in which most of the students will not show. Sigh..

14:37 Feb 15 2010

I spent about 40 minutes using my neighbor's snow blower to clear his driveway and mine, with Morri shoveling the walkways and my neighbor's ramp.

First time since the beginning of January we got enough snow to justify using petrol to move it. And that was only because the 20-30mph winds created drifts. There actually were more bare spots, but the drift were bad in places...

Go, go, global warming!


01:07 Feb 15 2010
Times Read: 1,702

Spent the day doing what I love the best-

Watched the sunrise

Worked a little to prep for the snow in the first rays of the sun, in the cool air



Family time

Chocolate with Silent Hill playing on the DVD

And a hot bubble bath to finish the day.

Now to bed early as we have early jobs these next few days- if the snow holds off enough.

Night to all and I hope your day went as well as my own.



02:25 Feb 15 2010

Ritual? Bubble bath? .....0.o


15:31 Feb 14 2010
Times Read: 1,707

In honor of the day.... some mood music. lol




01:08 Feb 14 2010
Times Read: 1,741

If you are going to leave then go. Why insult VR in this on going "woo with me I am leaving VR" shit.

Just end it- hit the delete button.

Do it- life would be so much better.


When did a website ruin your life? Have that much power over you? I know when...when you let it. Like now as you wait for people to beg you to stay. That is giving the site power that you are taking back by deleting your profile. Right?

Funny how people never face what "they" do in their lives.



01:21 Feb 14 2010

I think I know exactly who you're talking about.

But it's not just that person, I've seen quite a few people do this very same thing before.

Funny thing is...they usually come back.

02:26 Feb 14 2010

Yeah- not toward any one certain person as you see this crap all the time here. It is just a attention seeking and it gets old to me.

02:28 Feb 14 2010

Yeah, it's lame.

02:33 Feb 14 2010

I put up with this alot more when I was on Audiogalaxy, the first site I ever played on. It just seems the height of arrogance to take offense at something, threaten to leave, and THERN get all bent out of shape whe everybody doesn't run at you yelling "NOOOOOOOO you can't leave, we NEED you."

I got enough of that there. Thankfully, I now hang out with WAY smarter and better people....lol

02:56 Feb 14 2010

**twiddles thumbs** I self deleted once thinking that VR was taking up too much time. I realised a few days into my VR detox that I didn't have more time without my beloved VR... I didn't jump into all those little projects I had been putting off. I instead replaced VR with watching DVD'S by myself every night and being all woe is me. I was NEVER woe is me on VR, because I have "friends" here.

It was a hard couple of days, let me tell you.

As far as these people who don't like VR but continue to plague us with their presence... WTF are doing here guys? DELETE your account, find something you love to do and be happy. Life is far too short to waste on activities you do not enjoy. Also, you are seriously cramping our style! :D


08:59 Feb 13 2010
Times Read: 1,757

Today is the Unofficial Vampire Rave Friends Day. So go share your stamp with those that you care for, stop by profiles and send a message saying hello. :)


*Rat turns left, right, runs away to the left of your screen, then back in view as she goes and dives under the couch, giving a butt wiggles to fit under it, to hide*




02:42 Feb 13 2010
Times Read: 1,799

Sucks dressing up for dinner out when your "date" wears a old rip sweater, no effort on the looks.

I expect better for the Val Day dinner.

That is all I am saying.

Thank god my date did not reach down and "adjust" something between the legs.





02:45 Feb 13 2010

Last date I had - BEFORE my Quasi - that showed up looking like a bum, I sent him right back home. And I didn't even care that he drover 60 miles to go out with me. You don't show up wearing ripped up, holey clothes and looking like a bum and expect a woman with taste and class to like you.

02:45 Feb 13 2010

I can't stand that sort of thing. It REALLY makes me mad when people don't put an effort into their looks especially when they're going on a date or something like that.

I hope you have/had a good time at least :)

02:55 Feb 13 2010

Once, birra had a moustache hair out of place and I didn't speak to him for five days.

I demand perfection because you know what? I'm perfect. Tit for tat.


02:56 Feb 13 2010


02:57 Feb 13 2010

Sorry.. it was a gray one and it was being rebelious... it has been plucked and the rest of them dyed... it won't happen again.


Nice tits.

02:57 Feb 13 2010

I mean, breasts.

02:57 Feb 13 2010

I mean, breasts.

02:58 Feb 13 2010

I had to say it twice, because... you know... you have two of them.

02:58 Feb 13 2010

You know what I hate? When someone is comfortable enough around you to just wear their relaxing clothes. It's like... What is that metal rod doing not up your ass? WTF?!?

03:17 Feb 13 2010

Wow--- ok...being on IM and not reading the post for a few...uhh..guys..this was a dig at Birdy as she is my standing 'date" on Friday nights. LOL

And we - Cat, Birdy and I are doing Val Day together Sat due to snow coming in Sunday. I have warn all of them I expect nice looking dates. :D

And the poor waiter...he did not know what to make of me saying "You better not reach between your legs to adjust anything" as she made the joke she was the male tonight- sloppy to me being dressed up.

At least you did not say NIPPLES!!!!

03:22 Feb 13 2010

Now see I was willing to let all the digs go...but you spilled the beans...lol

03:24 Feb 13 2010

What is that metal rod doing NOT up your ass? WTF?!?



15:17 Feb 13 2010

Actually, VW, Morri and Iboth assumed your date was with a cat and bird... the digs were not at you, we were just having fun and playing along.

By the way.


00:06 Feb 14 2010

*shakes head and smiles*

02:18 Feb 14 2010

Well. LOL

I sincerely hope that you guys do NOT end up throwing panties and BRAS sans NIPPLES, BREASTS, and TITTIES at the poor bartender-

But if you do, TAKE PICTURES.

01:29 Feb 15 2010

and on the val day outing, Rat and Birdie were all dressed up to the nines while I had just managed to tame my bad hair day! It was a blast anyway


01:23 Feb 13 2010
Times Read: 1,817

Checking new profiles:

"hey my name is james im here to make new friends peopelt hat are vampires like em i will onyl be on this website till 2013 then im moveign to a diffrent lanet and joining the vampire army rigth now im learning jo jit su and water ebnding thefre both fun im a real nice person not really hrad core unless i half o be oh im in a conven there my family nto just friends i cant join any others or else my master woud kill em and every body in the other coven haa bye"


*goes to get rum*



02:15 Feb 13 2010

Gasp! I posted that exact same about me in a thread in my coven's forum. Isn't it a headache? haha.

02:19 Feb 13 2010

I tried to make peopelt hats when I first came here too... I failed.

I wish our extraterrestrial visitor the best of luck.

02:20 Feb 13 2010

There is no liquor strong enough to make that work not even shine!

02:28 Feb 13 2010

Just rip my eyes from my head now...

02:34 Feb 13 2010

And then they get pissy when you rate them low. Some of that is just poor typing skills and some of it is just poor grammar. Proof read yourself.

02:46 Feb 13 2010

*Um...sounds like he's been smoking something that kills brain cells and is 3 sheets drunk in the wind. Dude...lay off the drugs, that shit's done made you NULL AND VOID.

03:08 Feb 13 2010

Damnit no advil at the end of this headache of a read either..


11:39 Feb 11 2010
Times Read: 1,832

Was waken up with a burning taste in my mouth- like I had thrown up. Out of a sound sleep then all of sudden I was sitting up, that taste in my mouth. Rushed to the bathroom for a drink of water...thinking I would throw up...but nothing. Just that burning down my throat, that hurts.


And it is just before 6:00 am.

Wonderful way to start my day...just...freaking ass wonderful.

*sits and checks profile*



14:42 Feb 11 2010

Sweetie, thats Called Acid Reflux .... and it sucks but usually its caused from eating really greasy foods.


17:06 Feb 10 2010
Times Read: 1,845

Nothing like 2 inchs of snow, wind chill of 20, cold glass of milk and hot brownies. :)

Today is my brothers 56th birthday and that is what he asked for instead of a cake. I made two kinds even. Took a large bowl of them down to him, mom and sis. They are having steaks tonight as that is what he wanted for dinner. I bailed out as they only had two steaks to share. Said I would eat next week with them- hotdogs and shake is his next favorite meal.

I got to get to Walmart and get him some craft things to do. Some drawing things as he loves to color and draw things. Will do once the snow is gone.





04:38 Feb 10 2010
Times Read: 1,857


I can stay up... I got a snow day... I can...watch horror movies... *eyes closing*... but sleepy...up early this morning....maybe just a little nap...snow...

*curls up against the warm laptop*



04:56 Feb 10 2010

I just finished cleaning the crap out of the room my brother has lived in (he just moved out today), and the main bathroom that only he used. Too much chemical fumes I have inhaled... ugh. Time for me to now relax and watch a movie, too :)


That old White Magic...aka- Birdy gone nuts!

04:04 Feb 10 2010
Times Read: 1,865

On 03:48:16 Feb 10 2010 (-0 GMT) Vampirewitch39 wrote:

two inches with the cold is enough to keep us in. :) Even you. *glares*

On 03:50:16 Feb 10 2010 (-0 GMT) Elemental wrote:

I HOPE SO....i would really hate to drive up there tomorrow.

really...i would prefer to stay home as well.

On 03:52:14 Feb 10 2010 (-0 GMT) Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Well lets get the snow doll out and shake it some more... hahahahha.

Birdy wrote:

Shake shake shake.......dance around the table......shake shake shake.....

snow from now till 24 hours have passed

snow to see, taste, and play

enough so that home we must stay.

So mote it be.

that ok?



14:38 Feb 10 2010

I think it worked......it is still SNOWING!!!


Takes the good with the bad.... that is VR. :)

18:35 Feb 09 2010
Times Read: 1,914

From Member:

May I ask why my portfolio was suspended so that I May CORRECT issue. Problem is we get things suspended but NO mention of why? Surely there is reason for every suspension but if you DON'T tell the reason why then how can it be fixed?

Please tell me why so that I may CORRECT Issue.

Thank you for your time,



What is the member who doesn't know this notice is on your welcome page, the first page that show once you sign into the site, Alex?




18:48 Feb 09 2010

So that I may CORRECT issue?

I think we're missing a "the" in there somewhere.

People really go wild don't they?

18:57 Feb 09 2010

I know. :) But that is all good... VR put me to sleep last night when I had a thousand things in my head.

Well worth the few bad parts.

19:18 Feb 09 2010

I can't even count how many times I've answered similar acolyte questions. They're either asking about why they were suspended or about how to get the suspension listed. I think common sense would tell you that in order for the suspension to be lifted you'd have to correct the problem and contact a sentoran....or at the very least who ever suspended you in the first place. I'm right in assuming that the person who handed out the suspension's screen name shows up on the notice? I've never been suspended so I don't know haha.

19:29 Feb 09 2010

Once I was asked if I suspended a Portfolio...uh hello I can't do that!!!!

19:59 Feb 09 2010

There's like 5 rules relating to portfolios, they're listed in the TOS and on the edit page and in the manual....shouldn't be too hard to figure it out lol.


21:39 Feb 09 2010

Wonders if there are still suspensions with: "follow the rules?"

00:37 Feb 10 2010

Despite how mentally impaired you think this member to be, I thought at very least the message was polite.

I doubt they were trying to annoy you, and if ignornace on their part is an issue, then apparently it is one they are attempting to rememdy (even if it does try your patience.)

01:43 Feb 10 2010

Well AlexandraAshes I never said she was trying my patience. Once I told her where the VR System post the information about why she was suspended- she was able to talk with me and we came to a understanding about copyright items.

Mentally impaired? Gosh… you are reading way more into this then anyone else.

Yes she was polite. As was I. And never annoyed me. If you read my comments as such then you do not know me. If I had been annoyed- you would have no doubt about it AlexandraAshes. Trust me on that.

All I pointed out was her anger at me when it is not anyone fault but her own as she did not read the system notice when she logged on. The site is set up as Cancer wants it to be- still does not mean they should get upset at us.

03:11 Feb 10 2010

You stated that beautifully VW.

Never once was someone called mentally impaired. Avoid putting words into other people's mouths.


*yawns and rubs eyes*

03:17 Feb 09 2010
Times Read: 1,922

Ok... that would be about...300 portfolios checked. Going to bed now. :)




00:22 Feb 09 2010
Times Read: 1,945

When do you have this kind of conversation?

Hello. How are you?

Fine. You?

I am doing good.


Ok then…

Let me tell you when you don’t have this type of conversation- online.

Is it so hard to talk to me? I mean… my music taste is shown on my profile, port shows I love makeup, taking pictures. If you read my journal you pretty much know me. So…why am I so hard to talk to? Do I need to make my profile more…what?



00:31 Feb 09 2010

Maybe people find you intimidating.

Maybe they think you are more than you are.

I think you are easy to talk to.

00:36 Feb 09 2010

I agree...! The info is there. If they are interested in talking to you , they would know something about you from your profile/port/journal. Some people are just...duh.

02:05 Feb 09 2010

Actually.. That's all the conversations I have.



How are you.

I'm fine, and you?

I'm okay.

That's cool. So what's up?

Nothing much. Playing on VR, writing, that sort of thing.... blah... blah... blah...

Pretty boring stuff sometimes. Get a pretty cool cat to talk to me every now and then but that's about it for my conversations. ^_^

19:32 Feb 09 2010

Since I started lurking I haven't received those kind of questions again, also I tend to get asked questions that are already written on my Profile, why did I make a profile if I still get asked questions that are answered there?

Yeah am a snob, I hate this stuff!

19:56 Feb 10 2010

ditto- and then god forbif I should actually write something that is three or more sentences, and suddenly it is like their speech locked up or something. Or I got this the other day:

R U A vampire?


22:30 Feb 08 2010
Times Read: 1,955

Getting in the Val Day mood it seems....

Always loved the makeup look on her. Would have to let my hair grow out first before I try it.



22:33 Feb 08 2010

That was always one of my fave videos :)

23:15 Feb 08 2010

For a video done back in the mid 80's it is a great. It was the Lady Gaga video of the time. :)

00:57 Feb 09 2010

Truly! Back then we were always looking for a reason to put men in tights huh.....

03:08 Feb 09 2010

I wore this song out back when it came out and haunted MTV for the video to play. I still love it just as much today and guess what.... I have the hair!


16:49 Feb 08 2010
Times Read: 1,970

While I don't watch sports I will say this about the Super Bowl this year- they needed more Anheuser Busch Clydesdale ads.

Always love those.




20:10 Feb 08 2010

The superbowl commercials just weren't up to par this year. =/

21:46 Feb 08 2010

I did like the baby trader one. :) But yes- there was not any that spoke Super Bowl ad.


18:30 Feb 05 2010
Times Read: 1,997

One of my sisters lives in a town just 100 miles north of us. She always gets snow when a storm comes, while we might get a flurry or two. Yeap- we are on the southern side of that little magical line known as snow. She loves to call me, no matter the time and just nail home the point that she has snow. "Guess what I am doing? Looking out my window at the....SNOW!" "Bitch." is how these calls go.

And my favorite she has used--

"It is 4:00 am and do you know where your snow shovel is? Oh...that is right...you don't need one unlike ME!" *hangs up*

To say we get a little mean about it- her loving pissing me off, me loving to hate her for that second...is a family thing me and her do.

So when we got 8 inches a few weeks ago *pauses as she remember the beauty of it* and she only got 2 inches... I expected a phone call. When on Sunday (one day after the big snow) she had not called me I made the call to her.

"Hello sis. You listening to me? I got something to tell you. Can you hear me? SNOW! *raspberry given with great joy* Your little punny 2 inches ... we laugh at your two inches. HAHAHAHA!" Not only once did I call her...but twice!



She is expecting snow tonight while we...we are expecting rain.

You know who is going to be calling.



18:39 Feb 05 2010

I love that kind of stuff :D YAY ♥

18:44 Feb 05 2010

LMFAO!! You two are great :)

18:48 Feb 09 2010

I do the same thing with my brother, while they are getting blasted with frigid cold weather in NY and all I have is a little rain here in TN... hehe


18:55 Feb 04 2010
Times Read: 2,038

Somedays it is GOOD to be an Admin. lol And this guy drives me crazy with the two or three worded messages- reason he is getting them back now. Have to say I never really told him what I was doing till today. Ended a lot sooner then before. ;)

On 18:38:59 Feb 04 2010 (-0 GMT) xxxxx wrote:

wuts up

On 18:39:46 Feb 04 2010 (-0 GMT) Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Nothing much

On 18:42:50 Feb 04 2010 (-0 GMT) xxxxxx wrote:

how u doing

On 18:44:46 Feb 04 2010 (-0 GMT) Vampirewitch39 wrote:

suspending profiles. You?

On 18:45:10 Feb 04 2010 (-0 GMT) xxxxxx wrote

got class sorry bye



19:00 Feb 04 2010


19:03 Feb 04 2010

You seem to make the most interesting friends

19:19 Feb 04 2010

Haha. That's funny.

19:29 Feb 04 2010

Hahahaha fantastic!

19:57 Feb 04 2010

LMAO You Are So Fun to Read , I always Get a good Laugh,

20:45 Feb 04 2010

*coughs on coffee*

21:06 Feb 04 2010

Too funny!!!!


18:36 Feb 04 2010
Times Read: 2,042

Been a long day already and just going to get longer. Started early to unload 64 room chairs for the remodeling of a nursing home we are doing and the day was going go till I got in the car to follow the guys to our small military pick up this morning.

That is when I remember the pain in the ass the shippers mother was. Seems he is in California and left her to handle his move. Now…the way she acted you would think it was a full household and not the smallest min storage you can rent half full. Yes- 150 mile round trip of #8 boxes, and two laundry baskets. *takes a deep breath* You take the bad with the good…

Then as we are getting ready to leave, her standing there whining about the cold and how we should of done this later in the day, she told me to take the 12 or 13 trashed torn grocery store boxes that we removed his stuff from as she had no place to put them. “There is a dumpster right there madam.” “Well I am not going to do it.” To try and keep the peace… and a good score…I asked the guys to just throw them in the pack van and we would burn them at the warehouse later. That made her happy. I swear her face went smug.

Ok bitch…

I was showing her the paperwork, asking her to sign the forms when I asked her for a updated phone number. “Why?” “Because the driver will ask for it, he will try and call your son when he gets in his town to set up delivery.” “Well those people above you have it.” O.o “Sorry? What people?” “You don’t think you are in charge of this job do you? I mean the people who are above you. You DO understand there is people above you, right?” “Ohh I am sure there is lots of people above me.” “Well they have it.”

Ok- this Government Bill of Lading is printed out from the Base. If they don’t have it on the papers- it is not there. Blank spot for delivery contact number. Usually that means they are switching cell companies, or getting a land line still. That is the reason you ask when you pick it up.

“Just to be safe can you write it on the drivers paperwork? This is the papers he will..” hand over to the mover, call the base in Calf with…and if it is not on it your fucking son shit can go in storage again. But why? Why waste our money moving shit that value is less then the cost of the move? Why the hell would you take it out of storage to only put it back into tax payers storage because YOU have to have stick up your ass? was how I finished it in my head.

“You do not need his number. Those above you have it.” Like ..what? I am going to call him? Pester him with calls? Do I freaking look like I give a shit about your son who is a E3? Honey- I have moved higher rank then that and they were freaking nicer then you. And if you think your son is that big of a deal in the military then you need to get a reality check. I just put on my best smile and said “OooKaa then. Thank you and you have a good day now.”

Dumb ass bitch. Let’s see how that works out.

Then back to the office to the bitch of the lady who we had to cancel Tuesday due to snow. She was booked for Friday- first day we had to make it up on. Now there is a ice/snow storm coming in and she DEMANDS we move her this afternoon. My poor guys- they went. Last time we moved her she was 4 hours. I called to check what she had…maybe 4 ½. They just called and said the woman bald faces lied and they would be about 6 hours. And to leave a light on.

It’s our saying… meaning it is going to be a long day. Seems it is going to be a long day for all of us. And... I want rum. :P



01:08 Feb 05 2010

Oh wow...I feel for you guys. My ex is a professional mover, and I've heard some crazy stories from him!


23:33 Feb 03 2010
Times Read: 2,075

Reading the news about Toyota problems. Am I the only one who remembers the side gas tanks on the GM's? Or the Crown Victoria tank? And how long the car companies dragged those problems out? How many crashes and deaths was caused by them as they took years to do testing and settle the recall?

Humf. We soon forget...



00:00 Feb 04 2010

What about the Pinto go boom gas tanks?

00:12 Feb 04 2010

Well I was trying to not show my age...but...


You did.


09:44 Feb 04 2010

I remember the GM tanks. One little T-bone and KABLOOEY! It took them forever to admit there was a flaw in the design.

As far as Toyota goes this is what happens when you let computers run your car. Those things now have a mind of their own.


22:32 Feb 03 2010
Times Read: 2,087

Nothing like having chicken and dumplings on the stove becoming goodness.




23:19 Feb 03 2010

I hope you made enough for everyone on VR ?

23:24 Feb 03 2010


I don't think there is enough chickens in KY for all of ya.


23:41 Feb 03 2010

Careful, radu, she's a tease! :D

23:43 Feb 03 2010

Yeah... that is me. Tease.


My dumplings bring all the boys to the table...because they like mine better then yours...

*shakes her dumplings at ya*

23:59 Feb 03 2010

Are they from scratch?

00:11 Feb 04 2010

Well...sort of. And don't you even start Miss I can cook them but NEVER does. :P

09:46 Feb 04 2010

Heat up the leftovers I'll be down in say....18 hours. lol

Damnit woman, now I'm going to have to make them.


Really? Do I have to hit you over the head!

19:13 Feb 03 2010
Times Read: 2,102

If I send you one or two worded answers to your message like...




on phone

no help

don't know

... take the hint and leave me alone.




23:45 Feb 03 2010

I think you should send them a picture of you holding up your middle finger. Seriously. ;)


Math- it is your friend.

18:40 Feb 03 2010
Times Read: 2,110

Calling about the bill on my desk from ADT. Remember I put in a upgrade (new control panel) on the system that cost me $1,600.00 But this is counter by the lower quarterly bills for the service, monitoring cost. They go from $834.00 down to $240.00 each quarter. In other words the upgrade will pay for itself in a year and a half. They finish the upgrade a few weeks ago and all I have gotten as far as a bill is one for $249.00. I know I am to make payments on the new system- they agree to let me split this. Now- taking that into account I paid a bill back in Dec 20th or so for the upcoming Jan/Feb/March 2010 service fee I expect the total bill to be something I can pay maybe in one month. Thinking they would credit my account, I can take it off this years taxes. Sounds good, right? Well I was thinking it was. :P

Back to the phone call. I get this nice lady after a few minutes of hitting the right numbers and pounds sign of the eternal hell of phone systems.

“Yes- I wanted a balance on my account please.”

After repeating all the info I punched into the phone she tells me I own $2,400.00 up to today. It is for the alarm and three months service.

“And can you tell me how that bill is made? I know the alarm was $1,600.00 but what is the other $800.00 for? And is this bill I have for $249.00 is for what?”

This is where she gets a little lost.

“Can you at least tell me where the $834.00 I paid back in December went?”

“Credit to your account.”


“I understand that. How did it get credit? Was it put against the alarm unit?”

“No. They put it against the bill you owed.”

“Now if the bill is for UPCOMING services and the services changed along with the charge for the service… how does that happen?”

After ten minutes of her putting me on hold and hitting on her keypad it was decided I did have a credit of $249.00 Funny how that is just the amount of the bill on my desk.

“So how much do I owe on the alarm part?”

“Oh. That is separate. That amount you still owe.”

“Then if I start off with a credit of $834.00 and even if you charge me for one month of service as it took most of Jan to get the new system in and online… $834.00 divided by three months leaves you $556.00 credit. Can you tell me where that went on my account?”

She goes back to her keyboard and tells me I just am not understanding what she is trying to tell me. She also asked what the last bill was I am showing as getting and I tell her it is for the $249.00 service cost. She tells me I should of gotten another invoice.

“Does the invoice you are seeing that I do not have have the credit of $556.00?

She tells me again I am not understanding what she is telling me. She would put it in an invoice and I can see it for myself.

“Yes, Lets do that. Maybe then I can call back and get someone who can answer a simple math question in the account department.”




18:51 Feb 03 2010

You scare me >.>

20:30 Feb 03 2010

I love you when you are scary....A smart woman is sooooooooooooo HAWT! *wolfy loves you!*


As of today... well...always was like that really. :P

15:11 Feb 03 2010
Times Read: 2,135

*Rat makes a sign to hang on her profile*

This person does not play the “Add me to your friends, favorite journal list even tho you know nothing of me and this is the first time we have every laid eyes on each other so we can both level up” game that VR has become. This person misses the days when it was just about what people rated you that had people all nuts. Now the Who’s on Top is just a joke. And this person will not add you to any list if you request it. She only adds who she likes. Thank you.



15:19 Feb 03 2010

The top... All that is now is who lasts the longest on there after a name change... But that wasn't why I came here... It was to say I am honored to be on your friends list...

15:45 Feb 03 2010

I add folks but that's easy, I know my friends and chase them down whether they're on my lists or not! WC has the Top down right! lol

06:38 Feb 08 2010

AMEN sister- I am SOO tired of getting the "I added you, you add me" crap on my comments, or worse, personal meesages asking for it. If I know you and LIKE you I will add you- not until...



It has to be the this picture...

13:22 Feb 03 2010
Times Read: 2,149

On 03:36:08 Feb 03 2010 (-0 GMT) XXXXX wrote:

i offer u my blood irl

On 03:37:47 Feb 03 2010 (-0 GMT) Vampirewitch39 wrote:


On 03:38:53 Feb 03 2010 (-0 GMT) xxxxxx wrote:

i offer u my blood in real life

On 03:42:05 Feb 03 2010 (-0 GMT) Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Well thank you. But I am more a first born child type myself. :)



13:55 Feb 03 2010

You're not the first to get that message lol. I got it a few days ago along with a few others in the chatroom.

14:23 Feb 03 2010

Holy cow... Sweeeet.

14:32 Feb 03 2010

Just so happens I was in the chat at the time also...

We have a stalker of the vampbox?


14:40 Feb 03 2010

Hahahahaha better you than me.. I'd have way to much fun with that one.

15:43 Feb 03 2010

rofl Can you image the face when they read your response?

15:54 Feb 03 2010

What a terrific response! think id of died laughing if id of read it!

23:06 Feb 03 2010

you got that too?

darn and I felt priviledge...now I am jealous ^^


23:54 Feb 02 2010
Times Read: 2,156

Watching the news about the Home Markets...

Mortage payments, Foreclosure, can't sell the homes to pay it off as its not worth what you owe on it.

I feel sorry for the folks, some really tired to have that dream.

But the banks?

Why is it that I don't feel sorry for you?

You gave large credit to people that should NEVER had it. You let them get so far in that black hole. The price of a home just kept going up and up... till that ceiling fell in.

You are getting what you deserve.




I got 5!!

18:45 Feb 02 2010
Times Read: 2,201

I have just got why my % fell overnight. I am now blocked by #5 members.

Wow...who knew almost 4 years ago that I would be so lucky.

*takes the block % award as she starts to cry*

Oh my god.. I want to thank Cancer for without him I would not have this wonderful site. I want to thank Joli for putting my name out there for the Sentoran position. I want to thank Images for always helping and standing by me. Sahahria for being the kind of House Master who doesn't care what level you are.

I also want to thank those who I have enjoyed some great chats with in the vamp box...like.. Oh wow..my mind has went blank... WC, Morrigon, faeriemoon, Moonie, and so many many more.

I want to thank Stabb for being a great friend and someone who I tell my secrets to. I want to thank all the new members who rate me what I rate them. And to all the stamps haters of VR..way to unite! And to those who I was firm with about the rules... thank you.

And... *sobs* Let's get back to the reason I have this award. It is you- the Five members on the site who gave this to me. And all I can do is just thank each and every one of you who blocked me. I would not have this penalty if it wasn't for you. For whatever reason you blocked me...be it a rate that was not a ten, or you just don't like me... I want to thank you. I will put this in a special place in my home... so I can remember all that it means to me.

Thank you to the five members. Thank you!

*Rat walks off the stage and turns to the toilet, drops, flush, and walks away.*




19:00 Feb 02 2010

You VW, I'm really happy for you, I'm going to let you finish, but Stabb had one of the best block lists of all time!!

19:01 Feb 02 2010

*blows my nose* That... That was heart warming..

19:04 Feb 02 2010

Thats not very nice, tut, tut, i dont even know if anyone has blocked me but if people block just because they dont get a 10, well, they arnt really worth bothering about! :)

19:17 Feb 02 2010

Oh my Gods! Stabb's is... the golden archs of block list I am sure. I will never ever be that good...unless I was a Dominar. ;)

I know WC... I know. *hugs*

Eleanna I could not agree with you more. This is just me being a smart ass. It works so much better in person then online...trust me. *pats back*


19:27 Feb 02 2010

*falls over laughing* So that's why you keep having to get a plumber over there! All those awards you get for not kissing butt. *I'd say ass but I'm trying to give up cussing again* Well hell...

I never thought about it but I bet Stabb did have a who's who of blockers! I think it must have been how tall he always looked in his pics, made em all crazy. :p

20:10 Feb 02 2010

Oh ok, phew, that was a terrific performance! lol

14:48 Feb 03 2010

Wow, you want some pickle to go with that ham ? lmao.

01:54 Feb 04 2010

They love you, they love you! They really love you... *my lame impersonation of Sally Fields*


18:03 Feb 02 2010
Times Read: 2,207

Wow... just sitting here and thinking...my day has not sucked as much as yours has.

Go me!

ohh..and ...sorry you are having a suckness day.

*Rat tilts her head and smiles*



18:15 Feb 02 2010

Well I know ya weren't referring to me... My day has been great cptn crunch berries and all....


17:55 Feb 02 2010
Times Read: 2,211

Part of a Profile:

"I live my life exactly how I want, usually on a different planet."


2nd profile-

"oh and im a fishy in school...."


Yes but on what planet?




03:56 Feb 01 2010
Times Read: 1,658

Forum Thread post:

"And now I believe people are possibly not to inclined to post since there have been to (two) high powered people disagree with it…"

Funny how he says he will not show any more respect to a member due to how long they have been on, or the level…but calls a Sire and a Master high powered.

If you were true to your words you would treat all of us the same.



04:57 Feb 01 2010

Hypocrisy in others is easy to point out, to see it and correct it in oneself, that is a different story. It is why I keep the friends I have as they will call me on things- and help me see a different perspective than my own.

And they remain my friends even if I choose to keep that particular hypocrisy in my life.

None of us are perfect, but the ones eager to point that out, while claiming to not have any are often the ones that will miss this entirely.

05:10 Feb 01 2010

The only thing 'Sire' gives anyone is the right to leave societies, petition them for entrance, and the right to 'ask' for a coven they can run themselves.

This person doesn't know enough about this place to ask the questions he's asking.

He came to the forum being nothing but disrespectful, being what he condemns. He didn't even deserve our responses.

13:25 Feb 01 2010

I saw his post and just turned and walked away...

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